One of the best sermons I’ve ever heard was one of the shortest sermons I’ve ever heard. It was given by a punk, not even 30 year old kid who could challenge the best of them. (I personally found that endearing because if we aren’t being challenged at church, where are we going to be challenged?)

He was preaching on Matthew 16:13-20, just 7 little verses. Jesus asked his disciples, “Who do people say the Son of Man is?” They answer Him. Some say Elijah, some say John the Baptist. Then Jesus drills down. “But what about you?” He asked. “Who do you say I am?” Simon Peter answered, “You are the Messiah, the Son of the living God.”

At this point, the Pastor stopped reading. And he looked up, and he asked the congregation, “What about you? Who is Jesus to you? Because that’s really what this whole book (the Bible) is all about. Who is Jesus to you?”

Man, I remember thinking I know who Jesus is to me. I just don’t always listen to Him, obey Him or represent Him well. I wish I did, but I don’t. I can tell you that when I do listen to Him, life goes WAY better than when I don’t. I can tell you that I believe every word written about Jesus in the Bible. I believe He is the Son of God, born of a virgin in very, very humble beginnings. I believe He died on the cross for everyone’s sins. I believe He rose from the dead three days later. I believe He is coming back again. I believe if you ask Jesus to forgive your sins and be your Lord and Savior, He will, without hesitation. I believe that salvation in Jesus is truly this simple. (And I have a theory that He made it that simple so we can take absolutely no credit.)

So, if you can’t answer that question, “Who is Jesus to you?”, I hope you pray about it. I pray that you read the Bible and find out Who Jesus is for yourself. And I pray that you ask him to be your Lord and Savior. You don’t need fancy words or a large crowd. You say something as simple as, “Jesus, I am a sinner. I ask for your forgiveness. Jesus, I want you to be my Lord and Savior. Thank you, Jesus. Amen.”